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Museums Dust Monitor (Novo-Gloss)

Measure the dust of exhibits to determine when to initiate a cleaning process. Ideal for use in museums, galleries, heritage properties, libraries and private collections.

Dust measuring instrument: Novo-Gloss Trio dust monitor

Measure the dust of exhibits to determine when to initiate a cleaning process. Ideal for use in museums, galleries, heritage properties, libraries and private collections.

• Handheld and fully portable
• Rapid data transfer
• Single button push initiates measurement of all parameters
• Pass / Fail for easy identification of non-conformances

To see how the Novo-gloss Glossmeter can be used to measure the build-up of dust on the environment, please see the Environmental control guide for the museums and heritage sector.

Novo-Gloss Trio Glossmeter | Dust Monitor Specifications


Art and Heritage
Art and Heritage

Museums Dust Monitor (Novo-Gloss)